Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai
Centre for Arbitration and Research

Title: Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement in International Commercial Arbitration and its Implications: UniCredit Bank GmbH v. RusChemAlliance LLC. [2024] UKSC 30

Author(s): Kirthana Shivakumar

Title: ADR in No-Judge Land

Author(s): Luis King

Title: A Proposal for Arbitrating Disputes Arising from Nuclear Damage

Author(s): Xiaohan Cai

Title: A Step Too Far? A Comment on the Indian Supreme Court’s Judgment in ‘CORE II’

Author(s): Ritika Ajitsaria

Title: Resolving Technology Disputes through Arbitration

Author(s): Jennifer Wu

Title: Arbitrating Data Disputes: Charting India’s Path Forward

Author(s): Vrinda Pareek

Title: Book Review - 'Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration – A Comparative Review of the Indian Experience',

Author(s): Dev Jhunjhunwala

Title: Extension of Time Disputes in Indian Construction Projects- Legal Insights and Practical Solutions

Author(s): Shubham Singh and Jenish Shah

Title: Judicial Guardian to the Rescue! Preventing the Abuse of Termination Proceedings in Arbitration

Author(s): Vanya Chhabra and Intisar Aslam

Title: Addressing Challenges in the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards rendered in Smart Contract Disputes on the Blockchain

Author(s): Manohar Samal

Title: Dealing with LIBOR Cessation in International Arbitration : Some Suggestions10

Author(s): Badrinath Srinivasan

Title: Issue Estoppel in International Commercial Arbitration and the Effect of Foreign Judgments on Enforcement Courts: Republic of India v Deutsche Telekom AG [2023] SGCA(I) 10

Author(s): Darren Low

Title: Red Eagle Vies for Gold: the Tribunal in Red Eagle v. Colombia Finds Colombia not Liable for Treaty Breach While Diverging From the Tribunal in Eco Oro v. Colombia

Author(s): Adhiraj Lath

Title: Mastering the Art of Arbitration: Exploring the Legacy of Mr. Fali S. Nariman

Author(s): Sudhir Mishra, Petal Chandhok & Rupali Gupta

Title: The Idea of A-National Arbitral Award and Autonomous Arbitral Order - A Critical Analysis

Author(s): Rajesh Kapoor

Title: 2023 SIAC Unravelled- The Pinnacle of Arbitration Practice

Author(s): Shravan Niranjan & Aisvaria Subramanian

Title: Arbitration Strategies for Resolving Climate Change and Sustainability Disputes in Commercial Transactions

Author(s): Lalit Kumar Deb and Prithivi Raj

Title: Pre-referral Jurisdiction: B&T AG v. Ministry of Defence Widens the Eye of the Needle

Author(s): Ieshan Sinha

Title: The Inconsistencies of the Investor-state Solution in the International Protection of the Foreign Investor: an Analysis of the Main Substantive Clauses From the Perspective of Host States

Author(s): Thiago Ferreira Almeida

Title: Enforcement of Awards Annulled at the Seat: International Perspective

Author(s): Tariq Khan & Nooren Sarna

Title: Arbitration & Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2021: Return of the Unconditional Stay on Enforcement of Awards- A Retrograde Step?

Author(s): Nilovna Maelzer

Title: Stamping of Arbitration Agreements: An analysis of the Evolving Arbitration Landscape in India

Author(s): Tejas Karia & Vrinda Pareek

Title: Book Review: Everything You Need To Know About Arbitration In India, Authored by Tariq Khan;Foreword by Fali S. Nariman; Introduction by Justice Hima Kohli (Published by Thomson Reuters, 2022, ISBN- 978-93-93702-39-5), pp 444; Price INR 960.

Author(s): Dr. Christopher

Title: Unilateral appointment of Arbitrators: looking beyond Perkins

Author(s): Vyapak Desai, Shweta Sahu & Ritika Bansal

Title: Book Review: Commercial Arbitration in Australia under the Model Law, Doug Jones AO & Janet Walker CM, Lawbook Co: Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, 2022, ISBN 978-0-455-50227-4, 697 pp., $242.00

Author(s): Shashank Garg

Title: Analyzing the Feasibility & Legitimacy of third-party extension of Arbitration Agreement in the Indian Arbitration Regime

Author(s): Vedaant Agarwal & Shivankar Sukul

Title: The Energy Charter Treaty Crisis – Old Wine in a New Bottle

Author(s): Harshad Pathak

Title: Online Dispute Resolution: Creating a Level-Playing Field in Small Value Claims

Author(s): Sidharth Kapoor & Ananya Singhal

Title: Competence of an ICSID Tribunal to Order Security for Costs

Author(s): Ahan Gadkari & Vaneet Kumar

Title: Group of Companies Doctrine: Caveats to Consider before its Application

Author(s): Disha Surpuriya

Title: How to Determine “REASONABLE” Rate of Interest for Interest Claim in Arbitration Matters?

Author(s): Amit Bansal, Shruti Gupta, Surabhi Dubey & Shaurya Gupta

Title: The Continuing Backlash against Investor-State Arbitration may Call for the Increasing Use of Contract Terms to Protect Energy Investments

Author(s): Gunjan Sharma

Title: Oil & Gas Arbitration in the MENA : An Introductory Overview

Author(s): Dr. Gordon Blanke

Title: The Resolution of Disputes under Petroleum Production Sharing Agreements

Author(s): Thomas R. Snider

Title: Critical Analysis of Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of India and the Republic of Singapore

Author(s): Aditya Gandotra

Title: The Upper Crust and the Underbelly of Arbitration in India - Mumbai Chapter

Author(s): Justice Roshan Dalvi (Retd.)

Title: The Emergence of Emergency Arbitrations in India

Author(s): Shreya Singh

Title: Editorial

Author(s): Abhisar Vidyarthi, Shubham Dhamnaskar & Yagnesh Sharma

Title: Development of Arbitration in Korea - Lessons for Emerging Arbitral Regimes

Author(s): Kevin Kim

Title: Remedying Investor Misconduct in Investor-State Arbitration through Third Party Funding

Author(s): Dr. M. Uzeyir Karabiyik

Title: Judicial Comity in International Dispute Settlement

Author(s): Harshad Pathak

Title: Unlock the Value of your Data using eDiscovery Technology in Arbitrations

Author(s): Amit Jaju & Ankush Lamba

Title: Enka v. Chubb: The UK Supreme Court’s Decision on the Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement

Author(s): Vyapak Desai & Arth Nagpal

Title: Book Review - Commercial Arbitration: International Trends and Practices

Author(s): Dineshwar Gaur

Title: Foreword

Author(s): Abhishek M. Singhvi

Title: In Memoriam: Emmanuel Gaillard

Author(s): George A. Bermann

Title: Second Version of the Draft Code of Conduct - Hits & Misses

Author(s): Abhisar Vidyarthi & Sikander Hyaat Khan

Title: Reflections on the Judicial Approach in Arbitration Matters Concerning Government and Public Sector Enterprises

Author(s): Justice (Dr.) Kaushal's J. Thaker

Title: Connectivity and Decoupling - Belt and Road Dispute Resolution in a Fractured Trade Environment

Author(s): Mark Feldman

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