Indian Review
International Arbitration
The advisory board of the journal comprise of the following eminent experts:
Partner, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler
Geneva; Professor of Law,
University of Neuchâtel
Professor of Law and Director,
Centre for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration,
Columbia Law School
Senior Advocate,
Supreme Court of India;
Overseas Associate, Essex Court Chambers, London
Dr. iur. (Freiburg i.Br., Germany);
Dean Swiss International Law School;
Prof. (em.) University of Basel, Switzerland
President, Asia Pacific FDI Network;
Professor, School of Law,
City University of Hong Kong
Professor of Law,
Peking University School of Transnational Law,
Shenzhen, China
Special Counsel, WilmerHale;
Professor of Law, Chair for International Arbitration Dispute
Resolution and Energy Law, Queen Mary
University of London
Partner, Hanotiau & van den Berg;
Adjunct Faculty, University of Miami School of Law;
Lecturer, ICHEC Brussels Management School
International Arbitration Partner,
Latham & Watkins
Advocate & Arbitrator, Arista Chambers;
Visiting Lecturer, National Law School of India
Partner, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas;
Advocate and Solicitor
Professor in International Arbitration Law,
Queen Mary University of London;
Arbitrator, 3 Verulam Buildings (Gray's Inn)